Top 10 popular Chinese TV series 2024


1. Lost You Forever (S2)  长相思(第二季)

2024 · Costume Love · Sweet Sad Love · Fantasy Love · Oriental Fantasy 


In the wilderness, humans, gods, and demons live together, and the three kingdoms of Xiyan, Chenrong, and Haoling stand in harmony. Ji Jiuyao (Xiaoyao), the king of Haoling who lived in the wilderness, went through a hundred years of hardship. Not only did he lose his identity, but also his appearance. He settled in Qingshui Town and became a person with "nowhere to go, no one to rely on, and no way to protect himself." 

Wen Xiaoliu. He makes a living by hanging pots and is uninhibited. Sun Xuanxuan, the king of Xiyan, who had been Xiaoyao's childhood sweetheart, went to Haoling Kingdom to be a hostage. He stayed under the fence and hid in hiding. In order to find Xiaoyao, he traveled all over the wilderness and came to Qingshui Town. The days in Qingshui Town are ordinary and warm. Wen Xiaoliu accidentally saves the dying young master Tu Shanjing of Qingqiu, and the two gradually fall in love with each other day and night. Wen Xiaoliu and the nine-headed demon Liu Buda are strangers to each other, and they cherish each other and become close friends. Wen Xiaoliu and Xuan Xuan met but did not know each other. 

After many twists and turns, they finally recognized Xuan Xuan and resumed their status as Wang Ji. In order to unify the world, Xuanxuan sacrificed her affair to get the throne. Xiang Liu Shouyi died in battle. After Xiaoyao helped Xuanxuan complete his great cause, he and Tushanjing secluded themselves in the world. Xingxuan, who could not think too much, put all his energy into governing the country, because he knew that as long as the world was peaceful, his Xiaoyao would be happy and healthy.

2. You are more beautiful than the stars 你比星光美丽

2024 · Urban Love · Idol Love 


Ji Xing, graduated from a prestigious university with excellent professional knowledge. After graduation, he joined Guangsha, gearing up to create a future for his life. As a result, real life gave her a slap in the face. 

Three years after joining the company, I didn't make it through. I also stepped on many pitfalls in the workplace, and my feet were bloody. Her little pepper-like personality allowed her to reorganize her career and leave her job to start a business. She is a newborn calf, but she is strong in her smart mind. 

There are setbacks and gains in her entrepreneurial journey. She met her boss and investor, Han Ting. Han Ting is dark and cold-hearted, and every time he points out Ji Xing, a novice in the mall, he will hit the vital point. He thought it would be a training trip, but this girl kept surprising him and even made him understand love...

3. Please, She in the Body 拜托了,身体里的她

2024 · Urban Fantasy · Fantasy Comedy Synopsis 


A social gangster grandma and a socially fearful introverted granddaughter have been dependent on each other for many years but there is a gap. Because of an accident, the two souls exchanged, and the sixty-year-old The grandson went out to reorganize the workplace, and the 90-year-old granddaughter lived a retired life ahead of schedule and experienced a life of great contrast to each other. 

After this special experience, they gradually understood each other, and finally healed each other with love, accompanying and protecting each other. It shows a warm story about fireworks healing and laughter and tears.

4. Lost City 孤战迷城

2024 · Spy War · Suspense 


On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Ou Xiaoan, an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party lurking in the military command, successfully escaped from the prison of the Japanese Army's Biochemical Gas Research Institute. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma on the way. He was discovered and rescued by the Chinese Expeditionary Force. Walk. After waking up, Ou Xiaoan found that he had lost the memory of nearly four years in prison. 

Ou Xiaoan started from the end of his memory four years ago, picked up scattered memories, secretly investigated and intended to expose the criminal face of Japanese spy Li Shaotang. During this period, he and Qin Moqing, an underground member of the Communist Party of China, went from questioning and testing each other to jointly working together to find the Japanese Army's Biochemical and Poison Gas Research Institute and captured the Japanese Army's Intelligence Commander Ohashi Kazano. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang prepared to take over all the "people, property, and materials" left behind by the Japanese Army's Biochemical and Poison Gas Research Institute to prepare for future wars with the CCP. Ou Xiaoan learned this information and smashed this vicious plan. 

At the same time, he revealed the true face of Li Shaotang's Japanese spy. Ou Xiaoan, codenamed "Lone Star" in the underground party of the Communist Party of China, finally returned to the embrace of the party organization.

5. Traveling with the Phoenix 与凤行

2024 · Fairy Fantasy · Sweet Sadistic Love · Light Comedy · Fantasy Love · Costume Love 


The play is adapted from the novel of the same name by Jiu Lu Feixiang. The ancient gods died, and there is only the last divine king left in the world—— behavior. Rumor has it that this God of Action and Movement has lived alone in the outer world for tens of thousands of years, and is ruthless and has no desires. In the battle between immortals and demons, he single-handedly turned the tide. 

After that, Du Men was swept away, and his trace was hard to find. Hundreds of years are just a snap of the fingers. As the queen who was born with a bead in the demon world, on the occasion of her thousandth birthday, the devil's claws of political marriage came to bite her all over. On the way to escape from the marriage, Shen Li was beaten back to her original form as a phoenix, injured and fell into the world. 

When she was seriously injured and unconscious, a mortal vendor treated her like a fat chicken, plucked all her hair, and locked her in a cage for sale. After Shen Li woke up, she was so angry at this situation that she fell down, but there was nothing she could do. Just as her head was drooping, a handsome man in green clothes and white clothes passed by. He stared at her thoughtfully for a long time, then smiled and said, "I want this one." The fate of the two was changed by a seemingly casual transaction. Tightly knitted together.

6. The Story of Rose 玫瑰的故事

2024 · Female Themes · Urban Love · Urban Life 


Huang Yimei, who was born in a scholarly family, grew up in care and showed her artistic talent since she was a child. Huang Yimei, who had just entered the workplace, was quickly re-employed, and she met and fell in love with her partner Zhuang Guodong, but in the end they missed each other. 

This period of training in the workplace also gave her a clearer plan for her life, and she decided to return to school for further study. After graduation, she got married to her senior student Fang Xiewen. But after getting married, their development directions were very different, and they finally chose to divorce. Huang Yimei started her own business and worked hard in the field of art curation. 

During this period, she also met her soul mate Fu Jiaming, but Fu Jiaming only had a few months to live, and their love ended in life and death. But Huang Yimei did not feel depressed. She continued to work hard to live a more exciting life as always.

7. Strange Events of the Tang Dynasty 唐朝诡事录 

2024 · Suspenseful costume fantasy 


The play is adapted from the original work of the same name by the writer Wei Fenghua. It tells a series of strange events that happened in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. General Lu Lingfeng, the general of the Jinwu Wei Guard in Chang'an, will Su Wuming, Di Gong's personal disciple, joins hands to solve the mystery, protect the people, and shoulder the mission of saving the country from crisis.

8. Qing Yu Nian (S2) 庆余年(第二季)

2024 · Heroic Growth · Light Comedy 


The story tells the story of Fan Xian, a young man with a mysterious life experience. After various tests and tempers in his family, rivers and lakes, and temples, he upholds justice and kindness and begins to Start a new life journey and continue to write this unusual and hearty life legend. The play is both rooted in traditional culture and transcends traditional historical novels. 

It is a masterpiece with oriental classical charm and modern consciousness. It is committed to promoting the traditional Chinese values ​​and virtues of cherishing the beauty of the present and not forgetting the original intention. I am lucky enough to meet you again in the next few years.

9. Fully invested in the group 2 全资进组2

2024 · Light comedy 


The play tells the story of a boss Gu, who holds the big IP of Xianxia, ​​who fully invested in the group in order to realize his dream of being a male protagonist, and frantically changed the original script. 

The humble and stubborn screenwriter Tutu and the director tried their best to fill the gap with their increasingly bald hair. The originally magnificent Xianxia masterpiece was forced to come to fruition due to limited funds, and the Nine Lives Tribulation began a journey of infinite rebirth due to inflation. Anti-routine house fighting, son-in-law counterattack, two-way redemption, four-corner sadomasochism, mutual affection between bosses, robbery... There are no buffs that cannot be stacked, only unexpected bugs. Just when the plot jumps repeatedly, the character cycle collapses, and it is about to completely lose control. 

A person who no one expected, silently used his own efforts to awaken the original intentions of others and reminded everyone of their original and purest dreams. Together, everyone brought the derailed story back to its original ending.

10. Chire 赤热

Mainland · 2024 


It tells the story of a group of top talents who responded to the upsurge of returning to China under the promotion of relevant national policies, faced difficulties, started to explore from scratch, constantly improved self-developed technology, promoted China's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, and interpreted the struggle story of "Chinese science and technology creators" from a new perspective.